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Water Trampolines & Water Bouncers: The Ultimate Buyer's Guide

Water Trampolines & Water Bouncers: The Ultimate Buyer's Guide

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This guide will answer those questions and more. It’s our goal that when you make your choice you do it with confidence.

Read on for the definitive guide on buying a water trampoline. 
For sake of ease and not to be redundant, we will often refer to both water trampolines and water bouncers as bouncers throughout the article.


Water trampolines are essentially a real trampoline.  The jump mat is supported by a steel frame the same way a backyard trampoline is.  The frames are rigid and have stainless steel springs that provide the bounce.   
A water bouncer gets its bounciness from the surrounding inflatable tubes.  There are no springs, and the mat is attached directly to the inflatable tubes.  
You may see the term “Frame-less Trampoline”.  However, without a frame it is not a trampoline.  It’s really a bouncer. 


Which Has the Best Bouncing Performance?

Bounciness is the biggest difference between the water trampoline and the water bouncer.  
The rigid structure of a trampoline holds the mat tightly so the springs can give the jumper a huge bounce.  Just like on a real trampoline.   
On a water bouncer the mat is attached directly to the inflatable tubes surrounding it.  The water absorbs a lot of the bounce so a water bouncer provides a much smaller bounce. 

Why Would You Want a Water Bouncer Instead of a Water Trampoline?

So, why would someone want a bouncer and not a water trampoline?  First, the bouncer is super safe and perfect for little kids.   Small children can manage it easier than a trampoline.  
There is another advantage to a bouncer.  They make wonderful places to lounge.  Teens and adults like to hang out on them. 
And the fact that they are round makes them more social than a standard mat.  
It’s kind of like dining out.  A long rectangular table makes it impossible for a party of 8 or 10 people to all talk to each other.  But, a large round table allows more socialization.  
And because it’s not super bouncy, you can climb on and hang out without being juggled around.



Jumping on a water trampoline provides great cardio.  Also, you must swim back to the trampoline or to the land when you jump off which is an added workout.
Compared to many other sports, jumping on a water trampoline is very safe.  Injuries are rare, especially if you follow all the safety precautions.



Nothing beats a water trampoline for crazy summer times.  Kids can burn off a lot of energy.  A trampoline provides fun for a whole summer and a whole lot of kids.
The bonus is at the end of the day, they are a great place to hang out and dip your feet in the water.
The bigger the trampoline or bouncer the more people can enjoy it.  
The age of the user is an important consideration when selecting your bouncer or water trampoline.  Little kids do best on a bouncer.  Older kids will prefer the height and exhilaration they get from jumping on a real trampoline.  

Also, a bouncer is safer for a young child.  They can get a thrill from some bounciness but aren’t going to go super high like they would on a trampoline.

Life vests are a must.  Most water trampolines carry a 
suggested age of use.  They are not safe for children under 5 or children who cannot swim at all. 

Never swim under a water trampoline!!

It is also important to anchor your bouncer or water trampoline securely and to check it often for any defects.   
You should always inspect areas around and under your bouncer before each use. Check to make sure the water is deep enough and free of all rocks, logs, sand bars, and underwater obstructions.  
Make sure the trampoline is a safe distance from above water hard objects. 

All brands advise against acrobatics on a water trampoline.  Most spine injuries occur from improper landing during a somersault.  You should also not use your bouncer as a springboard to jump onto other objects.

Prices range from several hundred dollars for a bouncer to thousands of dollars for a 25’ water trampoline.  The top brand name water trampolines start at $2,300 and can go over $7,000. 

Trampolines cost more because of their steel frame and springs. 

Rave is the best-known name in water trampolines and bouncers.  They have a limited lifetime warranty for personal use, and they stand behind their products.  
The seams of the trampolines and bouncers are heat welded not glued which makes them stronger and more able to resist wear from bouncing.  
Rave’s bouncers use commercial-grade, reinforced PVC treated with anti-mold/mildew and UV protection.  It’s not uncommon for a Rave bouncer or trampoline to last ten plus years.

Today’s water bouncers and trampolines come in sizes that range from 10 feet all the way up to 25 feet across! 

The most popular size for both bouncers and trampolines is the 15’-17’.  This mid-size bouncer/trampoline can hold from 3-5 adults. 

An 8-foot bouncer generally holds 1 adult or 2 children.  
The Rave Sports O-Zone Plus is an 8’ bounce and slide combination.  It’s made for little kids because the jump surface is only 5 feet.  

If you go with a 25-foot water trampoline, you have room for 4 adults or 8 children.  While the 20-foot water bouncer holds 5 adults or 10 children.  The bouncer has more space because there are no springs taking up some of the room between the mat the inflatable surround.  

Water trampolines can handle more weight than a bouncer because of the amount of steel supporting the mat.  In fact, they support between 400 pounds up to 1,500 pounds. 

The biggest trampolines are the Rave Aqua jump Classic 25’ which can hold up to 9 children at a time and up to 2,000 pounds!  
The weight and type of anchor depends on things like lake bottom, wind, and waves.  
There are multiple ways to anchor your new water bouncer. 
You can buy an anchor kit or simply make one yourself.  The top brands all sell anchoring kits to accompany their trampolines & bouncers.  
But it’s easy to do it yourself too.  All you need is a cinderblock and rope or cable.  Just attach the rope to the cinderblock and the other end to a D-Ring on the bottom of your bouncer.  
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For very windy conditions attach your rope or cable to a heavy septic tank cover.
You may need to place an anchor on each side of the trampoline.  Push your bouncer out to the right depth and let your cinderblock sink to the bottom of the water.  
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Some people only use their bouncers on the weekends.  In other words, their bouncer doesn’t stay in the water for the season.  
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Just attach a buoy to the end of the anchor line.  You will easily find your anchor point when putting your bouncer or trampoline back in the water.



There are lots of accessories that make a bouncer or trampoline even more fun. 

A ladder is pretty key and most water trampolines come with one.  A rope ladder works well.  So does a metal ladder.  Pull the ladder out of the water when not in use to prevent barnacles and slime from attaching to it.

The one accessory everyone wants is the AQUA SLIDE!
All major brands offer a slide that attach with straps to D-rings on the tubes of the bouncer.  
A fun accessory is the log.  Swimmers try to walk out on the log without falling in the water.  Slides and logs run from about $600-$700.  
Another popular accessory is the AQUA LAUNCH!

The launch adds a variation of jumping to a bouncer or trampoline.  It’s a huge pillow that when jumped on sends the kids soaring.  It’s an awesome way to hit the water with a bounce.  
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Water parks are really a combination of a bouncer or trampoline with attachments.  
A water park usually has both a slide and log.  Rave Sports has an inexpensive option that is very popular!!
The Rave Splash Zone Plus offers a choice of a 12’ or 16’ bouncer with a slide and log.  It’s $1,600 for the smaller size and $2200 for the larger.  
It even has a boarding platform to make it easier to climb back on.  The price point makes it one of Rave’s best sellers.  
Rave Sports’ 15’ Trampoline with slide and log is a little over $2,000.  Of course, you can go up to the bigger trampolines and add attachments as well.


Buying a water bouncer or creating a whole water park is an investment.  You want it to last for years to come.  While you can purchase some inexpensive water trampolines or bouncers, they end up not lasting as long.
The hassle of repairs, the down time and lack of durability to save a couple of hundred dollars isn’t worth it.  
Imagine hauling a leaking bouncer out of the water.  After you drag it in to land, you have to find the hole which is usually so small it can’t be seen. Then, you have to patch the hole and reflate. Lastly, you have to relaunch your bouncer and hope that you patched the right place.
It’s just better to bite the bullet and invest in one of the top 3 brands.  They last and are proven winners. 
Since the established brands have been around for decades, the top companies have durability figured out.  Many people have had their water trampolines for ten years or more.  


Should your trampoline get a whole, a patch kit is included with instructions on how to repair it. 
The first step is to locate the leak or puncture.  Locate a leak by spraying the tube with warm soapy water.  Bubbles will form around an area with a leak.  Make sure to use marine waterproof glue with the patch kit.
Once repaired, it’s good to order a new patch kit to have on hand for the future.  You don’t want to have a big weekend of fun planned and have a random leak end the adventure.   


Rave Sports

Rave Sports offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty for personal use on bouncers and trampolines. 

Rave doesn’t make you register the product.  All you need is the receipt.  If you buy through a dealer, your dealer will provide you with proof of purchase. 

Their three-year limited manufacturing warranty protects the seams, valves, and material.  They also offer a warranty for commercial use. The three-year limited manufacturing warranty covers workmanship on seams, valves, and PVC material.


Believe it or not, color is an important consideration when purchasing.  If you are on deep water, you will want brightly colored trampolines so your children are visible to boaters. 

In a cove, you can go for the green color that blends nicely with the natural surroundings.   


It’s important to consider how much water you have.  The bigger the trampoline the deeper the water required.  Figure about 8’ for a bouncer and 10’ for a trampoline in general

Make sure to read the depth requirements of your bouncer before purchasing.  Each brand has their specific requirements which are listed in the description. 

Make sure to take tides into account.  Measure the depth with the tide out.  Also, a trampoline should be at least 30 feet from any docks, boats, or other obstructions.


Make sure your trampoline is clean and dry before storing it for the winter.  It’s important to remove all the air so you can easily store your bouncer. 

We recommend the use of a high-speed inflator/deflator for proper deflation and flattening of the water trampoline. 
Keep your trampoline or bouncer off a concrete floor. Fold the bouncer and store it in a closed container.  A garbage pail with a lid works great to keep critters out.  Keep it in a cool, dry place like a garage. 



Lift and carry your water trampoline to the water.   Never drag it.  It takes 2-3 people to carry your bouncer.  For the largest trampoline, 4-5 people will need to carry it to the water. 

When deflated, a water bouncer or trampoline will fit in a large vehicle like a pickup truck or SUV.


Water trampolines and bouncers can easily work in salt water.  Consider getting a stainless-steel bouncer to avoid rust.  When taking your bouncer out of the water hose the metal down to avoid corrosion. 

Rave Sports Aqua Jump 200(Stainless) is the perfect trampoline for salt water.  Bouncers are great for salt water because the tubes connect to the jump mat with nylon rope. 

If using a metal ladder for boarding either the trampoline or bouncer, make sure to hose it off to avoid corrosion.


Set-up is straight forward for a water trampoline.  Open the box being careful not to cut the trampoline itself. 

Roll your new trampoline out on a flat surface.  Locate the valve and unscrew it.  Turn the valve one quarter turn clockwise to make sure it is closed. 

Inflate the trampoline tubes to almost full.  Attach your anchor ropes to the D-Rings on the trampoline.  Attach the ladder. 
Attach the springs to the tubes and to the mat.  Then, fill the tubes completely.  The tubes should feel as hard as a basketball. 

Use handles to carry your trampoline to the water.
Bouncers are quick and easy to set up.  Open the package and lay the bouncer out flat like a pizza.  Lace the mat over the center of the bouncer tube. 

Align the warning labels so that one label is centered on the tube panel where you will attach the ladder.  All that’s left is to attach your anchor to your anchor line.


How deep should the water be for a water trampoline?

Anchor your water trampoline in at least 10 feet of water. 

Consider docks, boats, and other things that someone could hit when bouncing off the trampoline.  Make sure to be at least 30 feet from anything a jumper could hit.

What is the best way to anchor a water trampoline?

A cinderblock or two with a length of rope is perfect for anchoring your bouncer or trampoline.  Attach a buoy to the end of the rope to easily find our anchor each time you put your trampoline in the water.

What is a water trampoline made of?

The tube material is very important in how long your trampoline will last.  Rave Sports uses commercial grade pvc fabric, and the seams are heat welded to prevent leaks.  Heat welding connects the layers of fabric into one layer by fusing them together.

Can I use my water trampoline on land?
Water trampolines and water bouncers are designed for the water and injuries are likely if used on land. 
The jump mat only sits 12”-18” off the water surface with the water providing some of the leg support.   
A regular trampoline’s jump mat can be 3 feet off the ground.
That distance absorbs the bounce. 
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Water trampolines and bouncers can provide years of fun for families.  Get the one that will grow with your family.  And be safe out there SailSurfSoar family!!!
- Brandon Wagner
If you need more help deciding, give us a call or text at (415)-432-9051.
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